Smart CardSmart Card
Based on security modules of digital ID authentication, we provide smart card products and solutions to key industries such as telecommunications, energy resources, transportations, government administrations and etc.
Security of IoTIOT Security
Security authentication was stretched from human to things. Related products and solutions of M2M for Internet of Things, Security SE, ESAM, eSIM, communication modules, Security of Internet of Cars and etc. were provided to the digital world with all things intelligently connected
Digital PaymentDigital Payment
We provide security digital authentication payment solution to human, things, and virtual assets in the digital economic industry and integrate security, authentication, connection, and payment, all in one product and solution.
Energy Recourse and Industrial controlIndustrial Control for Energy
Based on Internet of Things, Big Data, artificial intelligence and industrial control, we dispatch and control energy recourses in a unification way to lower comprehensive energy consumption and improve production efficiency, in order to realize Energy-saving and Cost-reducing, Green Energy Efficiency.
Integrated CircuitIntegrated Circuit
We set digital security chip design as the core and chip-based system solution as the supporting point to provide products and services such as chips, embedded software, intelligent security devices, application platform and etc. to customers.
Digital ApplicationDigital Application
Based on security linkage of digital authentication, we provide digital application platform to key industries such as finance, energy resources, transportations, government administrations and etc. and enable them to finish digital innovation and transformation.